Sunday, February 21, 2010

When the wind blows... my racks fall down alot

Another day, another Leedy market. I am growing rather fond of my Saturdays on the grass, surrounded by beautiful dresses from across the decades ahhhh. I only have a month left at the Oxford St Markets so I'm trying to appreciate my time there. If you haven't been there before, naughty, shame on you, you are missing out on what has become quite a wonderful little burgeoning market scene. There is some really amazing stalls selling all manner of wonderful things including locally designed clothing, silver and semi precious stone jewelery, crazy vibrant glass jewellery (very different from your usual glass jewellery, meh I'll get you a pic next time) from Argentina and yummy yummy bratwurst.

The best of all, these markets have at least 3-4 vintage stalls a week! I know I just sound like I am trying to advertise so ya'll will come on down, that's ok because you'll see what I mean if you do come along. Its like the hidden Perth vintage lovers materialised from nothing to converge every Saturday and share their amazing treasures. I don't think I have had a Saturday where I haven't left with something from the other girls stalls. Oooh that's an idea for a post, I will post pictures of my stall finds soon :)

Meet Tulay.

This is a pretty nice polished outfit huh? Fun with her studded skull bag and mariner stripes but...

check out these jeans YO! (blame The Boy for that expression, its one of his favourites round the house) An amazing op shop find apparently! I don't think you could do much better, they are practically spray on they fit so well, and that stitching is just amazing. Just to ensure they top the list for well-wicked-wish-they-were-mine-but-there-is-no-way-I-would-get-my-bum-in-those-so-I'm-glad-she-found-them-instead, they have the mini jeans, silver stamping on the label.

doh doh doh lost the name again

Vintage stall owners Claire & Lindsay on a wonderfully co-ordinated bathroom break

Vintage stall owner Bridget

This necklace truly rocks (hmmm unintentional pun). The blue stone part was bought from the Oxford St Markets and Bridget added the silver medallion which belonged to her grandmother. Its so Cory Kennedy.

Tis a mighty breeze that blows through the market at closing time. Many a mirror has fallen to its power, and recently the clothing racks have been toppling too. Though nothing we cant handle with ropes, tent pegs and rolls and rolls of masking tape.


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xox The Ginger Fox